If you want to ditch dating apps and swap to meeting attractive women in the real world, you’re in the right place!
As a dating coach with 15 years experience coaching men and women to meet in real life, I’ll share expert advice on how to meet women — even if you’re a total beginner to dating!
You’ll learn:
- What the ‘learning process’ looks like: When will you be able to ditch the nerves? When will you find it easy to meet women in real life?
- The best 21 activities and places for meeting single women in real life
- Body language basics for when you first meet a woman
- Some simple and fun icebreakers to get your conversations started
How to meet women in real life: Charting your progress

Before we do a deep dive on the best ways to meet women in real life (and some easy icebreakers to get you started), how can you expect to progress as you learn the skills to meet women in real life?
Consistently going out to the right places to meet women, and having the right social tools to start conversations, takes time to develop. Think of it like learning a foreign language. In the beginning, you’ll make a lot of mistakes, or not be quite sure what to do or say. Then after a while you’ll find your feet, but it will still feel like quite a lot of effort. Then finally, after months, or even years of practice, it will be totally easy, natural and fun.
Many men never need to get to an ‘advanced’ level of meeting women in real life, as they meet a partner along the way. You don’t need to be the best man at meeting women in the world to find love—but you must make an effort to put yourself out there!
Here’s what you should expect at each stage of the learning journey, from Non-Participants who like the comfort of their existing routine, to Advanced practitioners who don’t think twice about interacting with women.

Mental state: Comfort. When you’re not putting yourself out there, life will feel easy (if unrewarding) as you’ll be in your routine. Maybe you see a couple of friends on the weekends, and watch a lot of videos on YouTube. This will feel cosy but it won’t get you results. You may also be starting to have a twinge of discomfort that something’s not working; you’ve been doing the same things for years and still haven’t had any real results.
In the non-participant mental state it usually takes a turning point to realise you need to change:
“I’m never going to chase a woman for so long again.”
“I don’t want to keep falling into relationships that aren’t the ones I want.”
“I’ve never had much experience with women, but I want this to change.”
“Time is passing by and I need to step this up.”
“I’m totally fed up with dating apps, I need a new approach.”
Once you’ve reached your turning point, you’ll feel more ready to confront your fears and start meeting women in real life.

Mental state: Fear! It takes a major mental leap to evaluate that your current strategy isn’t working, time is ticking by and you need to start working on an area of your life that you’ve quite possibly swept under the carpet for years. When you start to proactively meet women get ready for your mind to come up with every excuse under the sun to keep you stuck in your comfort zone
“I don’t want to bother her.”
“She’s with a friend.”
“She’s wearing headphones.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“I don’t have a good reason to talk to her.”
You will constantly feel outside of your comfort zone, and it will take a big mental push to start a conversation. Once you do start a conversation with her, your mind will (helpfully) blank out and you’ll walk away from every interaction kicking yourself about what you could have done better.
This is where coaching can be seriously helpful, the hardest yards are often the first steps you take to meet more women in real life.

Key skills to acquire:
- Making a habit out of going out enough (I’d advise twice per week) to create enough opportunities for yourself.
- Noticing opportunities to start conversations with women, even if you don’t act on them.
- Getting to know what your excuses are and how to work around them.
- Building up a reflex to take action i.e. when you see a woman you’re attracted to, you go and talk to her. Even if what you say to start the conversation is very simple.
- Beginning to become aware of what you could say next to continue the conversation.
- Having short conversations (< 2 minutes) which are largely small talk.
- Infrequent dates.
Realistic expectations: As a beginner it can be easy to feel discouraged. It will feel like a lot of effort to get the ball rolling, as often you’ll be overcoming deeply ingrained habits (i.e. you never talk to women in person!) To help you stay motivated it’s very important to have realistic expectations. Right now the biggest wins you can create for yourself are to develop a lifestyle where you have tons more opportunities to meet women, and build the reflex to consistently start conversations with women you are attracted to. It’s also very important that you prioritise doing the thing (i.e. talking to her) over getting it perfect. No one is smooth when they first start talking to women.

Mental state: “I’ve got it… no wait, I haven’t got it.” Working at an intermediate level you will have (mostly) learnt to overcome your fears. That’s not to say you don’t feel any anxiety when you’re meeting women, but that you’re getting better at dealing with it. However, this learning phase is characterised by another mindset bug bear which is one of frustration. You’ll have put in some hard yards to get to this level, and to keep finding out there’s more that you can improve to get better results can feel a bit like, “are you kidding me, now I need to do this?!”
Again coaching has a strong role here in helping you see that feedback truly is the breakfast of champions. I’m a super experience coach and can help you work through common stumbling blocks with meeting women:
“I can chat to her, but we’re not really connecting.”
“I get phone numbers but they never turn into dates.”
“I can make good general chit chat but get unstuck when it comes to flirting.”
I will be able to help you to fine tune and get to the next level.
Key skills to acquire:
- 50% of the time you can push yourself to approach the women you want to talk to.
- You’ve successfully maintained your habits of going out enough to meet women. You have the odd off week or two where work gets in the way, but generally you’re consistently making the effort.
- It still feels intense talking to an attractive woman, but you’re calm enough now to start to see where you could improve.
- You’re able to think of more unique ice breakers that work better in the context you’re in (i.e. if you see a woman in a coffee shop, compared to a bar, you’ll be slightly adapting how you start the conversation.)
- You’re becoming aware of your body language: You’ll be talking more slowly, and working on having confident body language when talking to her.
- You’re having longer conversations, sometimes 10 minutes or more; but you feel that the quality of your conversations could be better.
- You feel like you’re able to connect to her just about, but creating a more flirtatious dynamic isn’t feeling natural.
- You’re getting some contact details but they often fizzle out before the date.
- One off dates, short term relationships, or longer term relationships but not with women who really excite you.
Realistic expectations: If you’re working to an intermediate level - congrats! This is a big achievement. At this crucial stage don’t let your frustrations get on top of you. You will have periods of time where it feels easier to meet women, and other periods where you’ve had a few bad interactions, and you feel demotivated. Hang on in there and work through your stumbling blocks, without becoming too outcome orientated.

Mental state: Your fear has morphed into exhilaration! You still feel some “nerves” when meeting women, but instead of this making you feel sick to your stomach, you actually enjoy the thrill of meeting new people. You’ve also finally reached the stage where chatting to new women feels natural. You’ll still have plenty of interactions that don’t click, but they won’t phase you. Instead of seeing this as a rejection, you’ll shrug it off that she just wasn’t right for you.
Key skills to acquire:
- You’re no longer consciously making an effort to go out and meet women. It has become part of your lifestyle to connect freely with women, and your lifestyle is well set up to create opportunities.
- You no longer put women on a pedestal for being your type. If you’re attracted to her, you’ll use this as motivation to approach her, but you’ll also have other qualities that you know that you like in women.
- You’re able to start conversations with women you meet easily, in a way that feels authentic to you.
- You have confident body language that’s developed after having plenty of interactions with women.
- You’re able to have longer conversations with women, however if you’re not feeling a good vibe with her, you’re happy to let it go, and don’t see this as a reflection on you.
- You’re comfortable with communicating your intentions, and be clear when you’re attracted to her.
- You’re no longer chasing outcomes with women, as you feel confident in your ability to be a hit with women.
- If you vibe with a woman you’re competently able to swap contact details, set up dates and start figuring out who is the best fit for a relationship with you.
- Short and long term relationships, which you’re actively choosing.
Realistic expectations: Once meeting women in real life becomes easy, it’s a dating superpower that means no matter where you are you’re able to make connections. You’ll be having short and longer term relationships with women at this stage. If something doesn’t work out, you’ll reflect on what you could have done differently, but will feel comfortable in your ability to meet someone new. You’ll also spend much more time thinking about what you want and need in relationships. Best of all meeting, attracted and dating women will feel natural and authentic to you.
The best 21 places to meet women in 2024
If you’re new to meeting women in real life, the first step to meeting more women is to develop a lifestyle where you have tons of opportunities to cross paths with them! If you spend all day at home, hanging with the same old friends, or watching dating advice videos on YouTube… Well then it’s not surprising that you’re not meeting anyone new.
Instead aim to go out at least twice a week to an event, or venue, where you can practise meeting women. Yup, not only do you have to put yourself in the right places to meet women, you’re also going to have to know how to break the ice. (She’s unlikely to make the first move on you, sorry that’s just how the cookie crumbles!)
Now I wouldn’t recommend hanging out at a grocery store in order to meet women, however you can equip yourself with the skills to make the most of everyday opportunities when you cross paths with her.
Grocery stores
Pros: It’s an easy swap to go out to buy your shopping, rather than having it delivered at home. Plus, there’s a recent trend for singles who are fed up with dating apps, to flip their bananas or pineapples upside down to show they’re single. (I’m not kidding!)

Cons: Even if you manage to break the ice, it can feel tricky to carry on a conversation in the grocery store (you’ll probably tell yourself she’s busy and end the conversation!) Work around this by offering her your name, “I’m Andy by the way.” This is the easiest way to signal that you’re interested in carrying on the conversation.
Ice breaker: You’re in a grocery store so keep it low key with an observation, “Wow you’ve got so much green food in your basket, you’re making me feel guilty for my ice cream purchase.”
(I have 8 more great opening lines in a grocery store for you here.)
Body language: Avoid holding your basket in front of you, this creates a physical block between you. Instead keep your body language open, and work those forearms, by holding your basket to the side.
Book stores
Pros: In terms of romantic ways to meet women in real life, bookstores are right up there. If you love reading, then trendy bookstores can be a great way to meet women who you share a common interest with.

Cons: Choose your bookstore carefully: Depending on the area or the size of the store, you may see precisely zero attractive women in there.
Ice breaker: “Excuse me, I just had to notice your book, I read it a few years ago and it really made an impact.”
“I love how you’re reading a real book and not glued to your phone.”
Body language: Try standing side on to her to start the conversation. Bookstores are quiet places so standing to her side will allow you to get much closer to her to start the conversation. Did you know as a man you will also naturally feel more comfortable approaching her side?
Coffee shops
Pros: Women often work from coffee shops, and it’s a great casual place to meet in everyday life. Coffee shops will also feel like slightly more natural places to start a conversation than grocery stores.

Cons: Once you’ve sat down it will feel awkward to move spots tons of times, so your opportunities to meet women will be limited to who you’re sitting nearby.
Ice breaker: “Wow I love how you’re multitasking there, you seem a lot more productive than me.”
“Ah you went Pumpkin Spice? Now I’m torn.”
Body language: You’ve seen a cute woman, but there’s tons of seats free and it seems unnatural to choose the seat directly next to her? Seat one across then move your bag or book into the middle seat in between you, use this as your chance to strike up a conversation!
On the sidewalk
Whilst some dating coaches on YouTube make meeting women on the sidewalk look easy, in reality this is one of the hardest places to meet women. To successfully talk to a stranger you have to master a lot of body language signals to show you’re trustworthy and confident; plus you have to stop someone who’s moving along. It’s not for the fainthearted!
Pros: Yes you really can meet women as you pass by them on the street, some of my former Real Academy clients have even married women they met this way!!
Cons: When you approach a woman on the street there’s 2 big obstacles in your way. 1. Women don’t expect to be approached on the street, that can make her feel wary. 2. Women may feel more vulnerable being approached here. Never follow a woman, cat call or approach a woman on a quiet street or after dusk.
Ice breaker: “Hi, I know this is very random, but I wanted to say you look nice today.”
^ Trust me from years of experience, you won’t have time to think of a more clever opening line than that!
Body language: Keep your distance to 1-2 metres away from her. This places you in her social zone (1-4m) - closer than the public zone (for strangers) of 4m, but further away than her personal zone (friends only!) or 0.5-1m.
Events are great places to go to meet women as a beginner. Women will be much easier to speak to at events, as they’re also expecting to talk to new people! Events are one of the best practice grounds you can go to, to meet new women and develop your confidence.

Singles events
Pros: Everyone here is single(!) If you’re constantly worried about a woman’s boyfriend showing up, going to a place where you know everyone is here to meet someone should feel easier!
Cons: A lot of attractive women won’t go to singles events; they don’t need to, as they already meet plenty of men in their everyday life.
Ice breaker: “Hi, I like how confidently you just walked into the room, are you a natural extrovert?”
“I like how you’re double parked with two cocktails to see you through!”
^ As there’s likely to be multiple woman you might like to meet at any event, don’t come on too strong!
Body language: Look singles events aren’t always the most fun, (okay they can be pretty awkward) you’ll have a better time, and look socially cooler, if you get chatting to everyone around you. Park the idea of just being there to meet women, get sociable, and you’ll appear more attractive.
Networking events
Pros: Networking events can be great places to meet women, as once again you have a reason to talk to people! Downside it’s meant to be about work, but how many women who are married with kids seriously have time to attend a networking event?! I bet the ratio of single women is promising.
Cons: Technically you’re there to discuss work, so during the conversation you’ll have to make it clear to her that you’re interested in more than just swapping LinkedIn profiles. (For women it can be super annoying for a man to express interest in you professionally, only for it to turn out that he wants to date you!!)
Ice breaker: “Hi, I thought I’d join as this is clearly where to cool kids are hanging out.”
^ At a networking event, you’re much more like to meet women who are already talking in a group.
Body language: When you’re approaching a group of people, make eye contact with everyone in the group, to build trust. Just catch her gaze for a split second longer, to begin signalling interest. Men and women are more likely to choose someone as a romantic partner if they’ve held their eye contact for longer.

Speed dating
Pros: Even if you don’t get a single match, speed dating is a great way to get some practice in striking up conversations with single women.
Cons: You’ve only got 2-3 minutes to make an impression, so you’ll need some great conversation skills up your sleeve to make an impact.
Ice breaker: “So I’m 37 years old, I’m a total tech geek, a shoe size 7 and a libra… now we’ve got that out of the way, tell me something I’d never have guessed about you?”
^ The knack with meeting women at speed dating is to start the conversation off with her in a way that’s different to all of the other guys there.
Body language: Even if you’re sat across a table from her, try to introduce physical touch to make more of a connection. If she has some interesting jewellery on, ask to take a look!
Activities are another good shout if you’re a beginner at meeting women in real life. If you’re more introverted they give you the chance to get to know women over multiple classes, and if you can pick activities you enjoy going to anyway, it will still feel like a good spend of your time, even if you don’t meet anyone.
The gym
Pros: Meeting a woman at the gym is great for fitness fans who don’t like alcohol, clubs or loud music. (I’m also biassed as I met my husband at the gym.)
Cons: She’s at the gym to workout, not get asked out; so don’t make her feel self conscious by commenting on her body, and observe good social etiquette by not interrupting her workout to speak to her.

Ice breaker: “That routine looked brutal, you’re making me feel like I need to put more effort in.”
For tons more ways to start a conversation with a woman at the gym, read this blog.
Body language: Avoid loitering, or communicating too much interest in her. This will feel socially awkward, if not a little creepy. Instead take opportunities to talk to women who you bump into naturally at a gym class, or at the juice bar.
Social dance class
Pros: Social dance classes have got to be one of the best ways to meet women. Not only are social dance classes (think Salsa, Swing, Bachata) female heavy (2 women for every guy is normal, pretty much exactly the opposite ratio you experience on dating apps!!) Social dance classes also involve a lot of physical touch, which is great for creating sexual attraction.
Cons: You’ve got to learn to dance!! Yes, even as a complete beginner, dance classes are still a good place to meet women, but if you put in, oh say, 3 years practice, and become a great male leading dancer, you’ll be hotly sought after by the women who attend your class!
Ice breaker: “You’re super relaxed for a beginner, what’s your secret?”
Body language: RELAX. Much easier said than done, but it will be a much better experience for her to dance with you if your body language is relaxed, not rigid. Also stock up on deodorant and make sure you have fresh breath, as you’ll be dancing closely with women.
Running club
Pros: Fitness clubs (running, bouldering, tennis etc) are all great ways to meet women, whilst also keeping fit and doing something you love.
Cons: You don’t want to get a reputation for being ‘that guy who hits on everyone,’ so take your time getting to know women, and only ask her out once you’ve got a clear signal of interest.

Ice breaker: “I like how you hit that last serve/ don’t even look tired/ fell very gracefully from the climbing wall…”
Body language: Aim to look sociable, even when you’re not talking to her. Say hi to everyone you see regularly, make small talk, smile and tune in to your inner extrovert. This will also help you to feel warmed up, and make it easier to talk to her.
The online world of apps and social media has exponentially grown your opportunities to meet women. However, dating apps particularly can feel like a slog, and are unrewarding to use. For this reason, I recommend that you make dating apps 20% of your overall dating strategy.
Pros: Online gaming is an increasingly common way for people to meet: This is because most people who do online gaming are 18-34, which is also a demographic where most people are single!

Cons: Whilst you may connect in a virtual world, you may not live close to one another in the real world.
Ice breaker: Send a friend request, “Totally crushed it - let’s try again 2 player?”
Body language: Take things to the next level by suggesting a video call. When you take the video call make sure you’re well lit by standing facing a window, or light source.
Social Media
Pros: There’s a never ending abundance of women to meet online; but to save yourself from simply becoming another follower (or more correctly, fan!) engage her in chat before committing to the mutual follow.
Cons: Sending a hot woman a follow request on social media is the ultimate cold calling, you’ll probably land straight into her drafts/ spam folder.
Ice breaker: “Sunshine or snow holiday?” “Was it manifestation or good luck?” “Are you an introvert or extrovert?”
^ Either / or questions are easy for you to write, and easy for her to answer.
Body language: Before you start reaching out to women, do an audit on your social media profile, and archive any old photos, or ones where you’re not looking your best.
Dating apps
Pros: 1 in 10 adults who are in relationships in the USA today met online; and I bet you know at least a few people who found love on a dating app.
Cons: Men outnumber women on dating apps, this means she feels overwhelmed by the volume of messages she's received; whilst you’ll often feel down that your messages never get a response.
Ice breaker: “Can I ask you a very silly question (not rude, I’m just curious about something)?”
Body language: There’s no point pretending that looks aren’t super important on dating apps. If you’re on the shorter side be careful not to use a photograph standing next to your mate who could be a body double for Thor.
In the evening
If you’re naturally extroverted then evening events, bars and clubs offer you the chance to meet tons of women. You will have to contend with some obstacles (loud music, drunk people) so they’re more suited to intermediate learners than total beginners.
Live music gigs
Pros: If you love live music this is a great way to meet a woman who shares your passions, also bonus points if you have a guitar or can sing, women love a man on stage. Research indicates that women will perceive men who can compose great music as having superior genes.

Cons: Noise. Live music gigs don’t lend themselves to deep and meaningful conversations. Instead you’ll need to use body language to initially connect with her.
Ice breaker: “I loved how that song ended, totally got to me.”
Body language: As you may only have a minute or two in between songs, don’t try to have one long conversation with her; it will feel more natural to have 2-3 shorter sound bites instead. If she seems receptive, suggest grabbing a drink at the bar to carry on your conversation.
Lounge bars
Pros: When I was single, my friends and I used to love cool rooftop/ lounge/ upscale hotel bars. Remember, she may not approach you but she will ‘put herself out there’ by going to the places she thinks she’ll meet interesting men. Bars with low music volumes are also much easier to strike up a conversation in.
Cons: She won’t go to a bar by herself, she’ll be there with her friend(s), so get prepared to get over your “I’m interrupting her!” excuse and start the conversation.
Ice breaker: “I like how you guys are having the most fun conversation here, you must be best friends…”
^ Kickstart conversations with groups of women, by using an ice breaker that also involves her friend.
Body language: Avoid holding your drink in front of your body (it will make you appear insecure.) If you’re with a friend, avoid standing side by side with him and looking out across the bar. Instead look like you’re having the best conversation ever, and actually enjoying yourself outside of your goal to meet women.
Pros: Clubs give you the ability to meet tons of women, in a place where it’s more common to have physical contact with someone you’ve just met. (Kissing a stranger in a club is a lot more common than in a library!!)

Cons: Probably for this exact reason women can be defensive in night clubs. You’ll have to notice her body language (does she dance in your eye line, or turn away when you look at her?)
Ice breaker: None - she can’t hear you well so let’s use body language.
Body language - Confidently walk up to her, and extend your hand. If she accepts it, pull her in for a twirl, or bring her closer to you to offer your name to her ear, “it’s Daniel.”
At work
It’s great to meet people in your everyday life, but it’s not great to complicate your working life (or potentially make her feel uncomfortable). If you’re sizing up every woman you work with for a date, this is a sign that you need to invest more time in building up other channels to meet someone.
At work
Pros: ‘The propinquity effect’ means you’re more likely to become attracted to people you see regularly. So it’s not surprising that people who work together end up hooking up.
Cons: Sexual harassment lawsuit? Of all the places you could meet women, work is the highest risk. You shouldn’t use your workplace as somewhere to meet women. If you do end up connecting with a colleague, tread very very carefully.
Ice breaker: “I’m just about to go grab a coffee, if you want to have a quick break?”
Body language: Give her plenty of personal space. Only consider making a move if you’ve met up multiple times outside of the office and she’s made it clear to you that she’s into you. 99/100 dating a coworker is not worth the risk/ embarrassment/ awkwardness.

At college
Pros: People who go to college are mostly young, single and ready to mingle. Getting to know her over a period of time, can allow more introverted guys to shine.
Cons: The friend zone. However, wait too long to make your intentions clear, and boom she’ll meet someone else. College is a fast paced dating environment with tons of opportunities, so don’t hang around on the sidelines hoping she’ll choose you.
Ice breaker: “There’s never enough time in class to talk properly, let me take you for coffee sometime.”
Body language: If you’re a smaller guy, work particularly on standing with your feet wider than hip width apart. Asking a cute girl you met at college out can be daunting, just make sure your body language doesn’t shrink. If you’re going to ask her out: Go for it.
Co-working spaces
Pros: You both (probably) share a non-mainstream career and some personal values. You also get to see her regularly, meaning you can test the waters over a few weeks before making your move.
Cons: If things go sideways you have to see each other everyday. To avoid awkwardness, hold back on making your intentions obvious, until she’s agreed to meet up with you for something that’s clearly a date (I’m thinking cocktail bar, not coffee break.)
Ice breaker: “I got to get back to it, how come you always do such a good job of distracting me?”
Body language: Build intimacy using eye contact. Recent studies show that the ideal length of time to hold eye contact is 3 seconds (that’s quite a long time) hold a steady gaze to signal interest, and notice if she responds with a sign of sexual attraction.
Members clubs
Pros: Once you’re inside a member’s club, the other people who’ve got in will be more open to talking to you. Women will assume you’re inside the club because you’re a high status man.
Cons: Private member’s clubs are expensive, and choose the wrong one, and you may find it only has a very small pool of women inside for you to meet.
Ice breaker: “You’ve got the best seats in here…”
^ Use an ice breaker that’s indirect, and let your perceived social status do the work for you.
Body language: Pause and speak slowly. This will make you come across as self assured and masculine.
Pros: If you have a daily commute to work, you’re probably coming across lots of women you’d like to speak to in your everyday life.

Cons: It’s easy to make a woman feel seriously uncomfortable on public transport. Every woman has had the negative experience of someone they don’t want sitting next to them.
Ice breaker: “Excuse me (pause) I just wanted to say I like how you look totally lost in your own thoughts, I love listening to podcasts too…”
Boyd language: Before you make the bold move of sitting next to her, get a positive signal from her by swapping eye contact, a smile, and even a small wave.
In summary, meeting women in real life is not only great for your dating life, it will also feel all round more confident. Even if dating apps are working OK for you, it’s never a good feeling to be reliant on one channel for meeting women. Instead, take the plunge and discover how many real world opportunities there are for you to meet the women you want.
How to meet women in real life as a beginner | FAQs
How to organically meet women?
In order to organically meet women you’ll need 4 key areas of your life to come together. 1. You’ll need to have developed a lifestyle where you’re creating enough opportunities to meet women in person (see my top 21 places to meet women in real life for ideas!) 2. You’ll need to have the right attitude and expectations for your dating life. Meeting women doesn’t come naturally to many men, and you need to stay motivated to succeed! 3. You’ll need to get comfy with making the first move, as she’s unlikely to start a conversation with you. 4. You’ll need to develop your social skills to have the connected, attractive conversations with her that you need for it to make sense to you to suggest a date.
How to meet single women IRL?
Here are my top 18 places to meet single women IRL:
- Singles events: Everyone’s single and it’s easy to start a conversation.
- Networking events: A high ratio of single women, and another place where people are open to talking to one another.
- Speed dating: Even if you don’t get a match, it’s a great place to practice your conversation skills with women.
- Live music gigs. Do something you enjoy, and meet like minded women.
- Bars. Will have ample opportunities to meet single women.
- Clubs. If you’re on the younger side these are great places to meet women.
- At the gym. Steer clear of physical compliments here, but for health buffs meeting a date as you work out is a great shout.
- Social dance classes. Social dance classes are usually ⅔ female - a great ratio for single guys.
- Running clubs. Running clubs are the new speed dating and a great way to get a workout in as you meet new people.
- Coffee shops. If you work from home, head to a cafe to stand a chance at connecting with women.
- Book stores. If you live in a city head to a large, centrally located bookstore with a coffee shop in it to meet women.
- Grocery stores. Shop outside the house, rather than online, and look out for women signalling they’re single with an upside down pineapple in their trolley!!
- Markets. Browse farmers and vintage markets over the weekend to sync up with more women.
- Members clubs: Can be snooty, but once you’re inside provide a great place to meet women who are open to talking to you.
- Co-working spaces: Are another easy swap-in to working from home, which provide an in built community where you could meet someone.
- On the sidewalk: It’s possible! However, be mindful of her personal space to not appear creepy.
- At college: There will be tons of women to meet. If you’re past that stage of your life, consider night classes and courses to meet new women.
- At work: Whilst this may have worked better in the 1960s, only explore a connection with a colleague if you feel certain that they feel the same.
How to meet women in a socially acceptable way?
To meet women in a socially acceptable way it's more about how you start a conversation, rather than where you meet her. (With the exception of the workplace, which is a general no-go). To help you to meet women in a socially acceptable way, focus on developing 3 key areas.
- Avoid physical compliments to start a conversation, in most social contexts commenting on where you both are, her style or something she’s doing will be more socially smooth. Physical compliments may make her feel self conscious.
- Nail your body language. Standing too close to a woman before you’ve got to know her, loitering or staring are all total no goes. Get better at reading her signals, and if she’s not receptive let it go.
- To feel confident talking to women, approach the interaction as the buyer not the seller. Instead of focusing on, “what do I need to do to impress/ get her?” Focus more on, “I want to be curious about who she is and see if we click as people.”