Let’s Cut To The Chase: You NEED To Finally Meet Your Guy

Sign up to my practical dating advice which has helped 1000s of women to find love, and will put an end to empty promises. It’s perfect if any of the following rings true:

  • Maybe you want to meet a man who truly values you? Hint: it’s time to park dating apps.
  • Maybe you want to learn how to send the right signals to get a gorgeous man out of his seat and walking over to ask you out? 
  • Maybe you want to master how to get him to commit? No more men coming on strong, then disappearing 2 weeks later…
  • Maybe you want to shake off years of disappointment, and feel more confident and energised about dating?
Hayley Quinn sitting and smiling

What women are saying about Hayley Quinn

Discover how Hayley's tips and advice has transformed the way women approach dating and meeting men in real-life.

5 gold stars icon
Now Married To A Guy Who Is Way Too Hot And Smart For Me!

"Your material on being approachable but not a pushover worked wonders!  My outlook on dating changed drastically for the better. I have way more confidence, learned to trust intuition, learned what were red flags, and how to set crucial boundaries.  I spent less time suffering through cringe-inducing interactions/conversations with whack guys and more time on guys with actual substance. Now I am married to a guy who is way too hot and smart for me!"

Headshot of Fabian H
Phoebe K.
London, UK
5 gold stars icon
My Friend's Were Shocked By How I Can Attract Men

"I meet so many high quality dates in real life, I've deleted my dating apps! My friends were shocked by how I can walk into a room and attract men!"

Headshot of Eddie A
Julia K.
London, UK
5 gold stars icon
Dating Coach Extraordinare

"Meet the female pick-up artist kissing dating apps goodbye. I am nothing but impressed by the courage and confidence displayed by these women in getting out of their comfort zones and embracing the unconventional." — Read the full article

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Helen Coffey | The Independent
London, UK
5 gold stars icon
Met My Boyfriend Within 3 Months Of Working With Hayley, It Was Fast!

"You could say I've had a breakthrough! After a long time of finding dating a complete chore, I'm now in a happy relationship with a man who treats me like a queen. I don't think I would have got there, or at least not so quickly, without Hayley's advice and support. She was able to give me insights into dating that I'd never thought of, and from the moment we started working together it was like having a really good friend on my side. The coaching was worth every penny!"

Headshot of Gary K
Emily C.
Hove, UK

For privacy reasons we have changed some of our customers' identifying information at their request.


How is my advice different?

As a dating coach with 15 years experience, a popular TEDx talk, and 2 published books, I’ve helped countless women like you to find love (and have a great time along the way.)

Get Hayley's FREE Course
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I’ll teach you to meet men in real life

Okay, yes, wouldn’t it be great to sit and hang out at a retreat together and hypothesise what’s going wrong — but what’s really important is to get outside your comfort zone, out into the wild, where these conversations and interactions actually happen. There is no amount of theory that can beat the practical hands-on experience of meeting men in real-life situations. And you don’t need me to tell you that dating apps just aren’t working.

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I'll tell it to you straight

I know you’ve waited long enough to meet him, so there’s no point beating around the bush with polite untruths. I 100% empathise with the journey you’re on, as I’ve been there myself. I care too much about you getting results to sugarcoat the dating secrets you need to know.

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I’ll give you an actionable game plan

You can count on my advice being practical, fun and most importantly effective. So let’s put the vision boards, and the dating books, down. What you need is a step-by-step action plan to change your dating behaviours, to get radically different results.

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It's going to be fun

…because how else are you going to find the emotional resources to continue? The first building block to that wonderful man who always puts you first, is learning to enjoy the dating process again.

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The new frontier for your personal development

Along the way to meeting your guy, buckle up for a journey of self-discovery that will positively challenge you. Yes, I’m going to push you to create change, to tackle those negative mindsets around dating, to dig deep and find the energy to get results. It’s not about finding “The One”, it’s about you becoming the person who can meet him.


Exclusive To All Subscribers

A happy couple playing at the beach
Hayley Quinn coaching a female client to meet men in real life
An anxious woman looking at her phone

Get advice from dating expert Hayley Quinn

My unique coaching practices have helped 1000s of women to find love, and have featured in Cosmopolitan, Grazia and The Independent. 

Whichever way I help you — whether that's my free advice newsletter, digital courses, or in-person training bootcamps — I hope you’ll start to find dating rewarding. It’s about time you met the man who is a match for you!

Hayley Quinn sitting at her desk and smiling
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