Fed up of “how to create attraction” being explained to you with cringeworthy “techniques” that teach you to be someone you’re not? Learn to master the “Attraction Point” – a caveman-free zone and a brand new way to communicate attraction to her.
Constantly chasing women? She seemed interested at first… but then when it comes to actually going on a date you’re hit with a whole lot of “maybe”.
Finding flirting clumsy? You’re OK at just normal conversations with women, but it gets really awkward when you think about flirting.
Unsure when to ask her out? You let opportunities pass you by, or blow it with badly timed ask-outs.
Selecting the best women for you (instead of endlessly chasing)? It’s time to raise your standards with women (don’t worry this will actually get you more dates)
Mastering your dates so she 'gets' why you could be a great match? Dating is one big communications skills exercise, and you’re going to learn how to demonstrate your partner potential to her.
Subtle and sexy at flirtation? Discover how to flirt, and move the conversation with her towards commitment, in a way that’s refreshingly subtle and modern.
There’s a fundamental dating principle you must master in order to become more attractive. One that has nothing to do with being arrogant, cocky, seductive, sleazy, or less like who you actually are.
Attraction Point is about finding that “sweet spot” of building attraction with her. Not so indirect that you’re forever the friend, and never a guy she can date. Not so direct that you feel like you’re trying to be someone you’re not, and she gets turned off by some inauthentic, crude, try-hard macho lines.
It starts by building your standards as a man: no more draining your valuable time and energy pursuing women who aren’t reciprocating. You need to discover how many more dating options you’ll have when you raise your standards. Yep, you’re going to try less hard and actually get better results.
I hope you will find my advice to be a subtle, sophisticated solution to finally understanding what creates attraction, building your self-esteem and getting the dates you deserve.
Expertly Crafted Curriculum
Attraction Point is a result of over 15 years coaching experience. The curriculum is meticulously designed to provide you with practical and applicable knowledge that will transform your dating experiences.
Interactive Learning
Engage in practical exercises, interactive modules, and thought-provoking challenges that deepen your understanding of attraction. The course empowers you to internalize the concepts, allowing for genuine personal growth.
Lifetime Access
Your investment in Attraction Point grants you lifetime access to the course materials. Learn at your own pace, revisit key lessons as needed, and reinforce your knowledge over time for lasting results.
Discover the power of how to talk effectively about yourself with this conversation skills tutorial.
Join top stylist Sarah from Sartorial Lab as she tells you how to nail first-date fashion.
See how Attraction Point has countless men master the art of building genuine attraction and forming meaningful connections with ease.
"I was paired up with Chris who is an amazing coach. I was rather embarrassed to do the Social freedom challenge... so he explained why we do them which was about how we feel before and after... I wouldn't have done it tbh if it wasn't for him who suddenly out of the blue started doing 10 press-ups outside Old Street station!! Chris led by example in every aspect lol. Just what I needed!"
"I went a million times further than I thought I would a million times quicker due to the excellence of the coaches. It really was all around perfect. It was terrifying but I’m glad I did it. I felt Hayley and her team understood me, they genuinely put themselves in my place and talked to me. I have nothing to say but only good things about your team. Thank you everyone, the coaching and camaraderie was amazing!”
"As the night went on I felt like I was 'owning' the bar. Incredible feeling :) As for the coaches & challenges. Loved it! And definitely want to continue my journey and being coached. Thank you ever so much, I am literally a new man."
For privacy reasons we have changed some of our customers' identifying information at their request.
Results may vary based on individual efforts and dedication to the course materials. We do not guarantee specific dating outcomes, as success depends on personal application and context.